- Install Apple's Xcode Developer Tools from App Store
- Install Mac Ports
- sudo port install cmake gmake gcc49 zlib gzip maven32 apache-ant
- svn co -r 105333
- cd protobuf-cpp/
- sudo port install
To Verify:
- protoc --version libprotoc 2.5.0
Build Hive from source code
git clone
- git checkout release-2.6.3
export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.7` sudo mkdir $JAVA_HOME/Classes sudo ln -s $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar $JAVA_HOME/Classes/classes.jarBuild Hadoop 2.6.3 from source code
Update mvn pluginsmvn clean install package -Pdist,native,src -DskipTests
verify below folder exits after build
The m2eclipse and command line mvn tool take two very different approaches to Eclipse/Maven integration.ResourcesThe mvn eclipse:eclipse command reads your pom file and creates Eclipse projects with correct metadata so that Eclipse will understand project types, relationships, classpath, etc. It does not actually import those projects into a workspace as creating a workspace or importing projects into a workspace requires running Eclipse. You have to re-run this command when anything in your pom changes. Once you run this command, it is simple to import the created projects into your workspace. Just start Eclipse and use File -> Import -> Existing Projects wizard. Once you've imported projects you will not have to repeat this process after re-generating metadata unless the number of projects have changes.Just start Eclipse back up,select all projects and invoke refresh from the context hadoop/hadoop-maven-plugins mvn clean install -DskipTests mvn eclipse:clean -DskipTests mvn eclipse:eclipse
Working with Hadoop under Eclipse Hadoop Wiki How to set up Eclipse environment for Pig Building Hive from Source Data Science Bootcamps
Build Hive from source code
git clone cd hive git checkout release-1.2.1 mvn clean install -DskipTests -Phadoop-2 cd itests/ mvn clean install -DskipTests -Phadoop-2ops folder structure
├── dn ├── logs │ ├── hadoop │ ├── hbase │ └── yarn ├── nn ├── pids └── tmp
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